Amongst the mythical hills, close to the little known toon known as Doune, there lies a yearly spectacle for all to revel in. Doune the...
Amongst the mythical hills, close to the little known toon known as Doune, there lies a yearly spectacle for all to revel in. Doune the...
Ayrshire singer/songwriter Sean McGeoch has returned with his solo project Stara Zagora releasing a new single ‘Like a Ringing Phone.’...
Up and coming pop artist Lilura further breaks boundaries on her latest single, "Killer Karma". Scottish singer-songwriter Lilura has...
The organisers of TRNSMT festival have confirmed the next installment will take place next year between the 10th to 12th of July. And...
Edinburgh indie rockers Retro Video Club bring heartfelt edge and contemporary rock ‘n’ roll vibes to their new single ‘Night In’. The...
Over the past few years, it seems the floodgates have opened for Glasgow punk bands including Third Party. Despite just leaving school...
This week we are joined by the amazing Crashes on the podcast! Gregor chats with the band about their latest EP, working with Bruce...
Kasama was formed July 2016 in Dumfries & Galloway and released their debut EP ‘Noisy Neighbours’ in July 2018 they have since been...
A Sunday night gig at the Barras is definitely the ideal hangover cure! A couple of weeks ago, Australian superstar, Tash Sultana took on...
Following on from the success of their new single 'What The Hell is going On?', I decided to find out what Post Ironic State are all...
On Thursday the 4th of July, Kyle Falconer took to the stage in one of Fife's most loved venues, PJ Molloys supported by local Fife lads...
The Plastic Mac's latest single Sleep Together is a stark departure for the other three singles they have already put into the world....
Will Go To Girl push their way into the thriving Scottish Indie Pop scene?
Our latest podcast episode is now live! This week we are joined by Kyle and Chris of Misplaced. Gregor chats to the guys about the...
Premier time here at Discovery Music Aberdeen Indie band, Ramona release their latest single, 'Grow Up' this Friday and we can't wait for...
A Saturday night at the Garage ... what more could you want? Atlas Run, a four piece band from Glasgow took stage at the attic room in...
June was a monumental month for Declan Welsh and The Decadent West. Not only did they release the ironic and chaotic track No Fun, but...
Hailing from Dundee, acoustic singer-songwriter Ryan Horne released his first single last month. The track, titled 'Dreaming of You', has...
There’s something extremely unique about Solas Festival. It’s not the beer-ridden, drenched in pee & booze soiree that TITP was. Solas is...
The Roly Mo put on a spectacular gig at The priory on Saturday with help from their outstanding support!