Indie pop is a pretty saturated market at the minute with bands like The 1975 and Pale Waves leading by example at the front of the pack. More locally, some of our favourite Scottish acts, Vistas, Folda, Swim School and loads more are thriving in this environment. Are Go To Girl set to join in the fun?

Shake is the debut single from the Edinburgh four piece, and they’re staking a strong claim to be noticed by the indie pop community. The track opens with a riff that immediately sets the scene for what’s ahead – the warm and sprawling tone of the guitar lifted from the 80s with a pop-rock twist reminiscent of some of Paramore’s latest offerings. The frantic guitar play is counterbalanced by a strong rhythm section which provides the bounce and ‘tropical’ vibes that the band are after.
After a strong intro we are lowered into the verse by a soft synth, introducing us to the brilliant vocals that land somewhere between Pale Waves and Camera Obscura. The highlight of the song is undoubtedly the chorus – and when it hits, you’ll find yourself bouncing to it (even on the tenth listen, I’m still going). The bass and guitar really excel here, with a catchy vocal hook sitting alongside to absolutely nail the summer festival feeling.
The bridge is a little cautious for my tastes – with the refrain of the title lyric ‘Shake’, but it does the trick by providing some breathing space before exploding back into that incredible chorus to finish out an exciting debut single.

Catch Go To Girl at King Tut’s Summer Nights Festival on 4th August, and listen to the debut single here.