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Writer's picture: Chloe BurrellChloe Burrell

Following on from the success of their new single 'What The Hell is going On?', I decided to find out what Post Ironic State are all about as a band..

1. What has the reaction been to your new single ‘What The Hell is Going On?’

Jai - We're all very proud that the reaction to our single has been overwhelmingly positive, and I like to brag that the bass, synthesisers and vocals were all done in one take. Our producer, Scotty Anderson, really outdone himself.

Jojo - So far we have had a very positive reaction to the single. I was worried that the song may be too poppy as the song has gone through some change. But over all it has had a great reaction.

Elliot - It was fantastic to see the amount of people that enjoyed it to a great degree, many people showing this level of interest does mean a great deal to us as a band and it informs us that we must be doing something good here.

Doig - The reaction we have gotten for the single is a lot better than I originally thought it would be, it's spread quite far and people seem to enjoy it and that's all we can ask.

Ross - I wasn’t expecting much given it’s our debut single as a band, so having so many people saying they enjoy it on a daily basis really took me by surprise.

2. What was the inspiration behind the song?

Jai - Lyrically? I don't want to outright say what the lyrics are about. I will say, however, that the opening line, "Paler than dead", is meant in jest; the person I wrote the song about is very anaemic, and has extremely pale skin.

Jojo - For me personally, the synth melody was something I wrote years ago. I wanted to write a riff that was catchy but still unique.

Elliot - I can only really speak on a personal note here as I know Jai came up with the lyrics and such with his own concept in mind, on my side of things I felt that the song didn’t require an overly technical bass part, so instead I focussed on making it solid and steady, as to have the guitar, synth, and vocals all have more of an impact.

Doig - I wasn't actually involved in writing and recording the single, Jai used to play the guitar for the band as well, but we've been good friends for a while and so he approached me about joining a few days after they finished recording.

3. What made you guys decide to form a band? What got you into music? 

Jai - Well, Ross, Jojo and I met a few days before induction at university. We were lumped together at a "prepare to study" course as we were the only people who were there to study music and we quickly hit it off, becoming good friends... although it wouldn't be for another two years that we came together to form the band. I knew I wanted to form a band after Doig and I went to a record fayre in Dundee and I picked up Joy Division's album, 'Closer'. I went back to my (and Ross') flat to listen to it and after finishing the album, I knew that I wanted to make similar music. So I asked Jojo if she wanted to form a band with me, knowing that she liked Post Punk and New Wave music.

Jojo - I feel that we all have a really strong interest in making music and it’s something that we are really focused on. Music is definitely my strongest focus in life.

Elliot - For me anyway, I knew Jai and Jojo before I joined and when I heard they needed a bass player I jumped on board as soon as the opportunity came my way, since then I just like to write and play music live and recorded, it’s something I’ll always do, and I feel this band is the one where I’ll actually get to do that properly.

Doig - What got me into music was the old guitar hero games, they inspired me to pick up guitar and try to emulate some of the greats that were on it.

Ross - I had been offered to cover the band for a gig in January and was asked to be the permanent drummer.

4. What’s next for you guys? Any up and coming gigs?

Jai - This summer, we're extremely excited to play at King Tut's as part their Summer Nights festival, alongside Daria and Lylo, and we're currently involved with a rather popular band who asked us to support them on their tour later this year. We've worked really hard and played some really strange gigs, so I'm proud of what we're now being offered.

Doig - Our next confirmed gig is at King Tut's on the 23rd of August supporting Lylo, although we are planning more shows in the near future.

Ross - We’ve got a support slot in King Tut's which will be a huge thing as the venue has been on my bucket list for years and all the bands that mean a lot to me have at some point played there.

5. What are your hopes, as a band, for the future? 

Jai - Personally, I want to be remembered. In 30 years, I want some edgy teenagers to talk about how cool Post Ironic State were, and to use us as their justification that they were born in the wrong era.

Jojo - I believe that we all would like to make the band a sustainable career as its something we love. Personally, I hope to create music that it unique but still enjoyable.

Elliot - I think we all want to develop and grow as musicians and bring what is, I feel, a rather unique style to more audiences and people who will enjoy it.

Doig - I guess my hopes are to record the other singles we have and release an album and tour.. See how it goes from there.

Ross - The ideal future would be to make a living out of making music with my friends and to inspire others to do the same.

6. Any more music in the making? 

Jai - We're writing new music all the time, it seems that after every rehearsal we'll have at least one new song. We can't talk too much about what we're doing in terms of recording, but we can say that we are booked into a recording studio to record two new singles, that will be released together later this year.

Jojo - We often have new ideas. The answer is yes.

Elliot - we’re constantly writing new material, not a rehearsal goes by and we haven’t had at least one new idea. As for music we plan to record and release, well, you’ll just have to wait and see.


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