It is our pleasure at Discovery Music to bring you the first showing of Cinema Paradiso's brand new video for their most recent tune 'Forward', HOW FKN EXCITING.
The four piece band are made up from Liam, John, Andrew and Andy all from Dundee. They are a self-proclaimed DIY band who record all their own songs and are the creative drive behind their music videos.
With alternative/indie vocals and ambient guitar new track 'Forward' is a wee toe tapper with an electric vibe. The high quality production carefully layers vocal samples both organic and distorted which along with the array of instruments creates a rich sound.
The video itself is a moving montage of city night life, the hustle and bustle and the big bright lights. Pink and blue lighting effects romanticize the glamour of the big metropolis cities, based on that am gonna take a wild guess and say it's no based on Dundee. I really like that the video doesn't over power the video, it's not a short film where there's 10 minute chatter before the song even starts, it compliments the song and puts it into visual form. The video is released by audio/visual producers 'Blank Canvas.'

So here it is... the long awaited video, unless you skipped right past the wordy bit. Leave the boys a comment and let them know what you think! Enjoy!