The powerful and poignant pop-rock four piece return with a groovy sophomore single that sees them established as another member of the Aberdeen's nicely growing plethora of talent.
In the last couple of years we've witnessed the Aberdeen scene going through a bit of a purple patch, the emergence of young talented bands such as Vansleep, Canary Gold and Angry Man Car Park has been both equally impressive and promising. Whilst pre-established players such as Dude Trips, Cold Years and The Capollos have begun to see deserved spurts of momentum. Today, we can add another group to the ever expanding and diversifying ranks of exciting talent appearing from the north east.
PAGES' debut single "Get Out Of My..." was a solid well written piece of alt-rock mixed with complementing dancey undertones that works effectively as a galvanising set-opener. However, their follow up "Bubble Brain" leaves it standing out in the Granite City cold with their second release serving as a gigantic leap upward in both catchiness and infectiousness as a result of maturer more accomplished songwriting. A year separates the release of the two singles and from the opening seconds it's evident the group haven't been sitting still in the meantime.
Lead singer Matt Fraser's voice sounds more effortless and seamless than previous outings with his lyrics perfectly poised to tackle and unpack an intriguing subject matter. It's a key part of what makes the song so engaging and rewarding with lyrical and musical motifs emerging upon repeated listens.
PAGES' guitar tones have never sounded more delightful with a fuzzy fog-like effect that harkens back to their debut layered atop the emotive riffs. More intricate rhythms are also well deployed and rightly sound more clean cut upon their arrival and use.

Like the perfect keys that open the track the bassline makes its presence known early and like great basslines should plays for the song, acting as a forceful presence throughout much of the track that helps maintain it's continued building momentum.
In tandem with the bass, drums are also utilised to great effect with their introduction serving as the a nice continuation of the groovy beat that sits beneath the entire track.
This is truly why PAGES' latest single works so well, underlying the whole thing there is the consistent bedrock of a dancey beat and delightful keys with other elements such as guitar and vocals operating fantastically atop it. "Bubble Brain" is a dance-inducing pop-rock tour de force with PAGES utilising the best parts of their chosen genre to a high degree. Each member is given their individual moment in the spotlight and when they're not shining solo they're elevating the rest of the group to new heights!
Another excellent Aberdeen act to add to the list!