Up and coming 4-piece band ‘The Medinas’ from Dundee are quickly making an impact on the Scottish music scene. They formed in 2017 and have since supported numerous bands across the country including Voodoos, Novella, The Roques and Vida to name a few. The band have very much made themselves known, especially in Dundee where they headlined one of its most infamous venues: Beats Generator Live! last year. ‘The Medinas’ are no strangers to hard work and were gigging constantly last year in order to get themselves out there and it definitely worked. Their single ‘Daisy Chains’ made a huge impact on the Scottish scene in 2018 where it gained over 26,000 listens on SoundCloud alone and they have recently re-released it on all major streaming platforms for fans to enjoy once again.
The track starts off simply with a soft guitar rhythm and clear vocals from frontman Cameron Neillie. His voice is very distinctive, which is what sets the band apart from others. It very much reminds the listener of a young Jake Bugg but with a Dundonian twang. After the first verse, the track transitions from being slow and chilled to being very lively and happy. As the drums kick in and the tune picks up, it becomes clear that the influences for ‘Daisy Chains’ may have come from bands such as Sergeant and fellow Dundonians, The View.

The lyrics imply that the song was written about someone and they seem to tell the story of wanting something that you believe you can’t get “I’d ask you out, but you would just say no”. The tune however, tells a different story in that it is very happy and makes the listener feel carefree. What makes ‘Daisy Chains’ so memorable is that it combines meaningful lyrics with an upbeat tempo perfectly meaning it can be associated with so many different situations.
‘Daisy Chains’ holds a steady, upbeat melody throughout, which along with the catchy lyrics, makes the listener think of chilled, care free days and drinking pints with pals under the summer sun. Towards the end of the track, the tune changes slightly in that the drums become more prominent with an exciting build up to the last chorus before ending suddenly with the final lyrics being “daisy chains”. It is the ideal tune to get the crowd going wild at one of the bands gigs and has done multiple times in the past. With its melodic chorus combined with clean cut guitars, it has all the ingredients to be extremely successful.
The band have released the track at the perfect time as well, in the lead up to summer. It is hoped that the band can secure some festival slots as ‘Daisy Chains’ almost seems like it was made to be belted out in front of a crowd on a sunny day. ‘The Medinas’ are definitely ones to watch as they continue to grow in the Scottish scene and if this track is anything to go by, their future stuff is set be to great too.
Check out ‘Daisy Chains’ and the bands socials below:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/64OP44L4eJat1RZXVUeedV?si=aRRKkztoQzKnRepqVYBN3g&fbclid=IwAR21gcL7sGioJaQq3XWBYc59qVMzFnGPvMTndNZvJ7Och1MrV_jD741MH5Q
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The.Medinas.1/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/themedinasband?lang=en
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themedinasband/?hl=en