Premiering via Tenement TV on April 4th, Infidelity is Key is four minutes of pure classic punk rock pleasure. It marks the exciting start of a new era for the Glasgow five-piece previously known as Hunkybug – a name I may still accidentally refer to the band as from time to time (sorry, boys). Not only are listeners getting a new single, they’re getting a whole new creative persona - which is perfectly conveyed through the looming tones of latest single Infidelity is Key.
The track is in every way reminiscent of the punk rock n roll blends which have gone before, from the thunderous driving opening bass line and flashes of guitars, to vocals which are almost spoken more than sung, with shakiness and layering adding to the overall shadowy vibe. However, it still manages to stay fresh and retain its own sense of identity. It doesn’t fall into the category of ‘been done before’.
From the general overcast tone of this track to the fact they have ‘justifiable genocide’ amongst their interests on the band Facebook page, I find Moskow Mule to be one of the most unique and interesting bands on the scene, and I personally can’t wait to see them grow their fanbase and progress as a band with the promising potential to become a big name.
You can catch a launch performance one last time as Hunkybug this Saturday 6th April in Broadcast before the Mule of Moskow rises – with support from fellow local favourites Fiendz YT, The Roly Mo and Das Plastixx.
Be sure to stream Infidelity is Key here and keep up with the band on their social media channels: