We check the weather every hour: rain, thunder, sun, thunder, cloudy, sprinkles? We pack a poncho or two, put our optimism hats on, and brave the Glasgow summer for the penultimate show at this year’s series from the Kelvingrove bandstand. It may be hard to accept that August is passing by and festival season is coming to a close but we’ll be soaking up as much of what’s left of this summer’s music over here at Discovery. This gig was host to no other than Bloc Party. A name that needs no explanation but perhaps much, much more recognition.
Supporting Bloc were Lazy Day and Bossy Love. Lazy Day are made up of Tilly, Beni, Liam and Kris. A London based outfit, they are no strangers to a live show. They have featured on BBC’s introducing, played at festivals up and down the country and brought joy to many a listener. They brought deep and lingering vocals with tracks that played as smooth as butter. Their sound was like an inviting hug waiting to welcome you home. Punchy and dynamic, they pitched the late afternoon perfectly with subtly nuanced, grungy guitar riffs and racing hi hat taps. A very chilled affair.
Bossy Love also brought a magical performance. A Glasgow based group, full of massively talented musicians, picking up highly acclaimed awards from all corners of the music globe. They are not only talented but built their own studio from a Creative Scotland grant, which allowed them to polish off some stellar sounds for their debut album. They also brought an electrifying setup. Clean and crisp, they had a wicked group vibe going on. Their sound could bring together the fiercest of foes, a match creating, peace-making, pool of feel goodness.

Only a band as solid as Bloc Party could follow such a calibre of acts. A household name, who made memorable many a teenage year of mine, with songs that got me through the ails of life, and that still resonate with me to this day. The beauty of their performance is the humility with which they present themselves: in awe of those moments when the crowd knows every word to their songs and take over the show. Their joy for the craft was evident in the way they delivered such a honed performance that echoed much the quality of a studio recording. The intimateness of Kelvingrove further added to the experience of something pretty special. It was a laser light spectacular as is always the case with Bloc Party. Not only do they take care of creating an unforgettable musical experience, but they also tantalise your visual taste buds with colours and a stage presence so commanding you forget there’s anyone else in the crowd but you.
It was an honour to get to see Bloc Party for a second time in my life, but the fact that it was part of the Kelvingrove bandstand series just levelled up my whole experience. They undoubtedly did not disappoint, and if anything have only become more refined over time.