Next Thursday we see Scottish hot topic off the moment Amy Lou, take to the capital joined by The Plastic Mac and Kendama at the notorious Sneaky Pete's. Brought to you by Underground Sounds Edinburgh as part of their latest campaign 'Thursday is the New Friday' all in aid of increasing support of the local music scene. Any excuse to drink on a Thursday and start the weekend early has me sold!
Kendama are new on my music radar which is always nice to see some fresh faces. They are a 'synth pop and pop punk' duo from Edinburgh who boast an impressive production and 'intense live performance.' Sounds like the perfect act to kick start the night then. With their latest track 'Wake' only released on the 1st of February the boys have been playing some of the hottest local music venues around Scotland with Sneaky's being their finals stop. Save the best until last they always say!

The Plastic Mac are on the frontline of the emerging Dunfermline music scene, making regular appearances at the prestigious PJ Malloy's. Only last week they released new single 'D'You Hear Me' which incorporates their 90's indie/rock style with some 70s flashbacks in the guitar riffs and pulsating drums which is sure to feature in their live set. Listen to 'D'You Hear Me' HERE.

Onto the headline act, Amy Lou. It's been a snowball effect for this Fife band over the past few months and they don't seem to be slowing down. Fiesty lead singer Amy has a set of lungs that will knock the whole of Cowgate off their feet never mind an intimate venue like Sneaky's. The band are on a roll at the moment with recent release of 'Fiat Five Hunner' and a video to follow in the upcoming days. I have inside info that guarantees you'll love it! I am extremely looking forward to seeing Amy Lou for the FIRST FUCKING TIME, a definite long overdue gig this one! From chatting to Amy herself, people in the industry and the quality of their recordings I have no doubt that they will capture an audience and deliver a set of great tunes with great energy.

Amy Lou:
The Plastic Mac:
Underground Sounds: