A last-minute gig on a Friday night on a limited budget with two new bands and one of my favourite live bands out there? Don’t mind if I do! Having heard great things about both Primes and Ivory Caves I was looking forward to this as well as the always fantastic OHRIO.
First up were Ivory Caves coming out of the gates with a smash, quite literally as their first chord caused their white elephant mascot to jump off the speaker and shatter into several pieces. Thankfully this wasn’t a representation of things to come playing cracking head bobbing tunes setting the crowd up perfectly for what was to come. I was particularly impressed with the DIY pedal board made from an old skateboard deck, it was a great representation that you don’t have to have the best equipment to be able to put on a cracking set. Overall all despite some minor sound issues it was a solid performance from the lads from Fife and a band that has been slotted into my weekly playlist.

Next up were the ever brilliant OHRIO. Maybe I’m a little bias as it feels like OHRIO is where I first started out with local music and reviews but every time I see OHRIO they knock their sound and performance up a gear. Playing fan favourites such as “Colours” and “Drowning” but what will always be my personal favourite is their single “Soldier”. It was a great set by the lads and a great way to finally kick off their 2019, looking forward to seeing what it brings for the lads and hopefully some new tunes for us as we got a taster of what was to come. As always, a great set by the lads despite also having some sound difficulties out of their control.

Finally, time for the headliners Primes a three-piece from Falkirk who are currently making massive noise within the Scottish music scene and its obvious to see why. Unfortunately, due to various different sound issues none of which they could help such as monitors not working and the skin breaking on the bass drum, I don’t believe I got to fully experience what Primes are and the full extent of their talent. Regardless off this and the clear frustrations among the band they went on and put out a solid performance and after going home and giving them a proper chance to show how they should sound I can tell you they are amazing and certainly a band I will be going to see again. With fantastic melodies and heavy hitting bass they are one to watch in the ever-growing Scottish scene and I sincerely hope that one bad night due to sound does not discolour anyone’s opinion of them or even the bands opinion on the Dundee scene.

Overall a good gig but unfortunately plagued with sound issues, however each one of the bands styled it out and still put out solid sets regardless.