On Sunday 14th April, authentic Dublin punks Fontaines D.C. blew the roof off the infamous King Tuts in Glasgow. Tickets for this gig sold out well in advance and were like gold dust, with any re-sales being snapped up in seconds, I’ve never seen King Tuts more packed in my life!
It is safe to say Fontaines D.C. did not disappoint, it is easily my gig of the year so far! The anticipation and buzz before they came on was electric and the room erupted when they walked on stage to ‘Boys from the County Hell’ by The Pogues.
That was only the beginning of what continued to be a very sweaty singalong gig. The Dublin 5 piece only released their album 'Dogrel' on the 12th under Partisan Records, yet the crowd were already singing every tune back to them in their best Irish accent of course, including me, I'm finding it hard to say 'money' in my normal accent now to be honest!

One of the highlights for me was definitely when they blasted ‘Boys In The Better Land’ and the guitarist threw himself right into the middle of a packed King Tuts, being submerged into the madness! The gig had no shortage of crowd surfing either as the it was wild from start to finish to say the least.
Their album opener ‘Big’ was left until the end of the gig and the crowd were still as lively as ever, frontman Grian Chatten had the audience hooked until the very last second before they all walked off stage, leaving everyone buzzing out their nut and ready to carry on the party in The Priory where the band then did a Club Sabbath DJ set after the gig. For a Sunday night, it was pretty busy and was a class end to a class night!

Fontaines D.C. are definitely a band I recommend seeing live, their unique punchy sound and commanding lyrics are what sets them apart from other bands and they could’ve easily sold out King Tuts another 3 times over. I feel lucky that I managed to see them in such an intimate venue and cannot wait to see them again at SWG3, which will definitely sell out so best to get tickets soon as if you want witness the madness for yourself! They start their UK tour later this year and have just announced their North American tour in September, it is safe to say Fontaines D.C. are only going to continue to grow and frontman Grian Chatten certainly wasn't lying when he said they are "gonna be big" !!
Get tickets for SWG3 here: https://www.ticketweb.uk/event/fontaines-dc-galvanizers-swg3-tickets/9167465
Check out the bands socials below:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/fontainesdublin?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fontainesband/?hl=en
Facebook - https://en-gb.facebook.com/fontainesband/