First stop on the Baby Strange mini-tour was Conroy’s Dundee and with the brilliant addition of two very talented Dundee bands, PLASMAS and The Roques, it was going to be an absolute cracker.
First up were PLASMAS, now the more avid readers of Discovery Music will know we have spoken extensively about these lads and I feel like there isn’t really much that could be said about them and their sound that we haven’t already covered.
However, it is fair to say they have really homed in on what they want to create and how they want to sound, almost putting out a statement saying “We are PLASMAS, and this is our sound” which is fantastic to see.
It has been great watching these lads go from strength to strength throughout the time I’ve seen them from overall sound to stage presence, they really made the most of the very limited space provided by the Conroy’s “stage”.

Next up were another band which most of you should be familiar with by now, The Roques. As with PLASMAS it’s very difficult to say things about them without it feeling like you’re rehashing the same content, however also like PLASMAS, The Roques have also seem to have found their preferred flow and sound coming with more of a punk/rock vibe with their tunes.
Tunes such as “Addicted” and “Fear Me” really did have the entire crowd amped up and loving the sounds that were being produced. I am really looking forward to seeing how The Roques take this new sound and how they embrace the punk-esque vibe with their own creative twist.

Then it was time for the headliner, Baby Strange. Now for the longest time I have wanted to see them but everytime a gig was announced the dates just never matched up.
So the suspense had been building for a while now and finally the time had come and let me tell you, they did not disappoint. They had the entire crowd on strings dictating the pace and the energy of them, playing cracking tunes like “Pleasure City” and “California Sun” it had even them most stuborn of audience members up rocking along to them.
In all a fantastic first stop for the lads on their little tour of Scotland and a perfect representation of how great the local scene is and can be. Will hopefully see them back in Dundee at some point in the near future with a much bigger crowd to witness the spectical that is Baby Strange.

Thanks for the guys for having us down and also to DF Concerts & Events for putting on such a brilliant gig!