I recently caught up with Alan from Th13ves for a chat! How would you sum up your 2018?
2018 was pretty bizarre to be honest but in a good way, what started as a solo project with no real intention apart from recording some songs and putting them out there turned into what is now TH13VES. Dreamers was written in my kitchen in no more than 15 minutes and Casino has been sitting around for over 10 years. When we put them out we got this incredible reaction and the gigs were so much fun we thought fuck it let’s see where this can take us but with no pressure to chase anything down. For me and the band it’s great to be part of what feels a movement in Scottish and Dundee music.
Plans for 2019?
We’ve just recorded two new tracks ‘Angel’ and ‘It Is What It Is’ both will be singles and we’ve got some gigs coming up, we’d love to play more festivals and just see what happens. Right now though it all feels good.
Any new music in the pipeline?
‘Angel’ was released last Friday (22nd March) it’s flying on Facebook we’ve had nearly 6k views in 72hrs.. next single will is set for a summertime release. We’ve got plenty of other songs and are continuously rehearing new stuff so all very exciting.
You headline Conroys on 30th March, which is a sell out. Looking forward to it?
Yes absolutely, we’ve got Plasmas and Novella playing too which is great. Great way to start 2019 with a rammed sold out gig in our hometown.
Any other gigs lined up?
Week after that we’re up in Inverness, we’ve got The Roov playing with us who are a great bunch of lads. Inverness is always a highlight for me as that’s where I grew up, plus the place is just mental. We’re playing Glasgow and a This Feeling show at Beat Gen in May. We’ve just also been announced for Party at The Palace in Linlithgow in August.
What are your influences for song writing?
There’s the obvious influence which is easy to hear and I wear my heart of my sleeve with this stuff, Noel Gallagher and 90’s britpop, but anything really, I love a big chorus and a beautiful melody, sometimes you just hear something and fall in love with it. I absolutely love songwriting, that chasing of a perfect song and when something literally falls out of the sky and it comes together, nothing beats that feeling. Dreamers is a perfect example of that, Angel is too. I never push it just wait for it to happen which is usually does. I’d say i have a 10% success rate when I sit down and actually try and wrote something, 90% of the time it’s pretty awful.
Thoughts on the Scottish Music Scene?
I’d say it’s pretty vibrant, but then it always has been. Us Scottish just love music and we’re pretty fucking good at it!
Favourite Scottish bands or artists?
Loving what Echo Machine are about, saw them live last year in Dundee and their sound totally got me. The Roov they totally transformed their sound into this cool disco pop vibe, their tune Navada is one of my favourite tunes of 2018. Loved Kyle Falconers album, great songwriting as always. Billy Mitchell too. Moonlight Zoo are class.
If you could cover a song, what would it be and why?
Not really a fan of covers, we’ve been rehearsing a U2 cover but we binned it.
What's the most bizarre thing to happen while you were onstage?
Happens to me all the fucking time, breaking guitar strings mid set, without a doubt it will happen on Saturday night!
If you only had one album to listen to, what would it be?
Probably ‘Morning Glory’ holds some seriously good memories those tracks.
What is your guilty pleasure song?
Harry Belafonti - Jump In The Line that the unofficial band song
If you had your own festival, who would be your 3 headliners?
The Music
The Stone Roses