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INTERVIEW | Mark Sharp and the Bicycle Thieves @ G2 Garage 22/12/18

Writer's picture: Cameron AdieCameron Adie

I got to catch up with Mark and the lads just after they played a fantastic set at a sold out G2 arena (check out our review of that HERE) here’s what they had to say.

Q: You sold out the attic and then you sold out G2 did you ever that happening when you announced the gig?

A: At this time of the year we didn’t really expect that especially how fast it sold out. It was around about 4 and a half hours the attic sold out then we sold this (G2) out in good time too. The amount of gigs that are on as well in Glasgow tonight like the Baby Strange gig, there were a lot of people that were at that gig that couldn’t make it so no not really.

Q: What would you say the highlight of year has been?

A: Probably King Tuts, me (Mark) and Darren played the Barrowlands but it doesn’t compare to selling out King Tuts.

Q: Where’s your favourite place you’ve ever played? (Now this question took on its own form and basically became where would you like to play?)


Colm – It’s not a place we’ve played yet but I really wanna play stereo.

Mark – I’d like to play the Barrowlands with the full band.

Darren – More closer to the future we’d probably like to play Barrowlands as a support gig then hopefully our own.

Then there was a large consensus that they were all just glad to have Darren back and his move away was “crippling and debilitating”.

Q: So where does the name “Bicycle Thieves” come from?

A: We were trying to get a name for ages and it was almost going to be “Mark Sharp and the Other Guys” then I was in HMV and I just saw it, it jumped out at me, this DVD and it said the Bicycle thieves and I just thought I’ll take that. It’s an Italian film from the 50’s or something, I just thought to myself that’s got a ring to it “Mark Sharp and the Bicycle Thieves”.

Q: Is there anything in the new year you would like to focus on specifically, do you have a plan set out or are you just going to take it as it comes?


Colm – We’ve got to hit the festivals now like!

Conor – Get an EP out too.

Mark – Aye play as much festivals as we can I think, we’ve applied for loads so we’ll just see.

I enquire about Belladrum for my own personal gain as I will be going.

Mark – It’s a possibility we need to play a gig for the guy first which just got cancelled, we’re trying to get that rescheduled. But we’d love to play as many festivals as possible. We’ve also got a plan to record a new EP I think so we’ll see what happens we’ve got the songs there so its just about it being the right time.

Q: Who would you say is your favourite artist/artists in the Scottish music scene at the moment?

Now there was a massive mash of names and sorry if I missed any out I caught as many as I could!


Colm - Pronto, Pronto Mama, best fucking band to come out of Scotland for years. They played my sister’s wedding and it was amazing it was like a gig I fucking loved it.

Mark - Lewis Capaldi obviously and The Snuts they’re really good pals with us we grew up round about the same area but I’ve so much more like Retro Video Club, Beta Waves and Luke La Volpe too, he (Colm) plays drums for them too.

Q: Who has been your main influence in creating music?


Colm - Led Zepplin

Mark - Did you say Led Zepplin?! I never even knew that

Colm - Aye! Best ever…ever!

Conor - That’s news to me!

Mark - Beatles, The Rolling Stones.

Darren - Arcade Fire

Conor - Brian Jonestown Massacre

Q: What is each of your guilty pleasure song?


Colm - Megan Trainor – No, its pop fucking perfection love it.

Darren - The Nolans – I’m in the mood for dancing.

Mark - I think everyone has an Abba song in them.

Conor - I’m gonna be that guy that says there’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure.

To be met with sights all round and everyone told him to get out!

Conor - Nah the Jonas Brothers.

Mark - Jason Mraz – I’m Yours, it’s a fucking great tune.

Apologies if I missed any parts out, thank you to Mark and the lads for having me down, and shout out too Craig Brown Photography for the photo of the interview to the gig and allowing me to interview them it really was a fantastic night.


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