I recently caught up with Scottish Singer/Songwriter Calum Frame for a wee chat! How would you sum up your 2018?
It was a good year.. I recorded 4 tracks at the start of the year in Gorbals sound studio and it was my first time working with a producer. I had a great band around me for the recording and working with Geoff Dugmore as the producer was a special experience. It gave me a lot of hunger and motivation. I played my first sold out gig in my hometown, Strathaven, and played TRNSMT on my birthday. So as years go, I’d call it a good yin.
Plans for 2019?
Releasing the songs from last year!! I already brought the first one ‘Not On My Watch’ out in February and got the next new one coming in March. I did my first headline tour as well, a nice wee run of Scottish shows as far up as Stornaway. Next up is a full band headline at King Tut’s on the 27th April.
Any new music in the pipeline?
Aye! There is gonna be at least 5 new tunes released before the summer including ‘Not On My Watch’.
What are your influences for song writing?
Noel Gallagher, The Beatles and Bob Dylan are probably the main writers that I love and aspire to be like. In terms of personal influence my songs are mostly auto-biographical so I write about things that have happened or are happening in my life. Wee lessons I’ve learned a long the way. I’m not scared of a love tune either and feel like those are the easiest ones to write but recently I’ve been trying to move away from that a bit and talk more about life in general or be a bit more subtle if it is a love song.
Thoughts on the Scottish Music Scene?
It’s great, I’ve been gigging around Glasgow since I was 16 so have been involved in the scene for almost 9 years now! There is a great community vibe around Glasgow for musicians and there are so many lovely folk who all support each others music. I studied at the academy of music in Glasgow as well a few years ago and we were out at gigs all the time. There are so many talented folk kicking around Glasgow it really is a special place for music.
Favourite Scottish bands or artists?
Biffy Clyro and Paolo Nutini are my two all time favourite Scottish artists. I’ve loved them both since before I started writing songs at 16 and both were a big inspiration for me to start writing and follow my dream! Gerry Rafferty deserves a mention too, his album City to City is right up there in my favourite albums.
If you could cover a song, what would it be and why?
My favourite song to cover is Purple Rain. He would probably hate my cover but I play it any chance I get anyway. It always gets the crowd singing along.
What's the most bizarre thing to happen while you were onstage?
Probably a 60ish year old woman lifting up her top and flashing what was underneath. The image is still burned to my retina.
If you only had one album to listen to, what would it be?
I’ll go for Purple Rain by Prince! Don’t think I could get bored of listening to that ever.
What is your guilty pleasure song?
It’s a bad one. Don’t Stop by 5 Seconds Of Summer.
If you had your own festival, who would be your 3 headliners? Oasis, Biffy Clyro, Fleetwood Mac