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What is Home? - Brownbear

Writer's picture: Julie DunabieJulie Dunabie

Anyone who knows me will know I have a tendency to ramble and take the longest possible scenic route regardless of time in any conversational topic. Given my self awareness of the situation, I’ll try to keep the following review as concise as possible, with the highlights of each song of Brownbear’s debut album.

The opening track of the album, Covers, starts with a chime of ukulele, followed by the thud of the drums to throw you off. Straight into an upbeat rhythm with a chang-a-langing guitar and the bass and drums punching out the rhythm of those notes.

We get into the first verse which quietens down a little, Matt’s ever so slightly strained voice sings the lyrics but feels almost conversational. The drums and bass keeping a steady rhythm whilst the guitar subtly fills out the highs with some complementing melodies.

We’re lifted into the chorus where Matt sings:

“And then I pull back the covers, to find you’ve got another lover and I’m not your comfort after all. In a moment I realise I’m the one who’s living lies.”

Ever lifted a empty mug of coffee to take a sip to discover it’s already finished? Normally with a small deflation of the chest and an internal “oh...” in your head? Then the feeling of mild embarrassment that you didn’t realise it was empty? I’m sure a finished cuppa wasn’t his inspiration for the lyrics or song but given the above example has just happened to me, I can ever so slightly relate to the lyrics.

Second verse continues to tell the story, with the drums changing a little to a personal favourite of 16s on the drum rim, breaking up the sound nicely. After the next chorus we get on to the bridge, with steady drums, minimal guitar and bass allowing the lyrics all the spotlight they deserve. The rhythm picks up a little before the melody takes a minor turn...then crashes back into the last chorus for that final pick me up, with a nod to the chime at the start.

Wandering Eyes is the next track and keeps the pace and energy high with some catchy riffs across the guitars and unfaltering drums keeping the beat.

It’s a steady track with the riffs entering for the choruses and drums lifting the sound with some shiny ride cymbal shimmering through. The verses see Matt sing about looking for something better out there, regardless of subject and despite his words

“meaning nothing to you”

Instruments build up through the bridge before going into a half time rhythm to slow things down a little bit. The song finishes at the faster pace with a final chorus, before ending with just the instruments.

Truth Without Consequence, the third track of the album, is also Brownbear’s latest single and features an absolutely excellent video, watch it below

The track opens with an easy going guitar before the drums kick things off into the first verse. The bass for me steals the show a little in this track. Complementing the guitar all the whilst having its own melody.

As we move through the track it features a helluva lot. We are treated to guitar solos, brass, backing vocals and Matt belting out some high notes. No, it’s not too much as everything manages to coexist in the songs without pushing out other instruments. Possibly my favourite track in the album in terms of instrument choice!

Olive Tree gives us a little downtime in the album. A song with a sound that’s made for relaxation and reflection. It wouldn’t go amiss in the Into the Wild soundtrack or a drive time playlist.

With a continuous guitar riff you’d think it would get a little repetitive but it serves as an excellent backdrop for some twanging of guitar over the top. The drums take a backseat in the song, with just the hi-hats, bass drum and cymbals for the majority of the song.

“As we go our separate’s with the heaviest of hearts I say, I’ll see you in heaven”

It’s the lyrical hook of the song, whilst sad to read, combined with the music of the song it sounds more like an acceptance, and not so much a goodbye but a “catch ye in a bit”.

The Wrong Team follows by picking up the rhythm again.

“Hey! You! Could you lend a helping hand?”

Nothing grabs your attention better than a forceful “Hey!” and instantly we’re engaged with the song. The lyrics are in the spotlight in this song, with mellow guitar and bass, and present but not in your face drums.

A subtle guitar solo makes an appearance before Matt’s vocals come back in with some “ooo-ing”, followed by the track by track standard quiet bridge. The ending of the song ends on a high with some added guitar to up the noise with a little crunch.

Funny Old World is possibly my favourite of the album. Much slower paced than the rest and Matt sings a story that everyone these days are all too familiar with.

“We got no time for forgiveness but got time for a war. And all I’m ever told to do, is hate you”

The backing vocals are excellently executed throughout this song, genuinely wonderful. The bass and drums do there job at keeping the rhythm, but leave all the space for the vocals to really make this song. The guitar fills out the mids with the kit’s cymbals helping out in the highs.

For my favourite track of the album there’s not a lot written here, but that’s the beauty of it. It’s a simple song with crafted and pensive lyrics and the instruments complement the vocal effort which, as mentioned before, takes the spotlight in this song.

Only For You’s intro reminds me instantly of Rusted Root’s Send Me On My Way - in reality it was Matilda I was reminded of but that’s the song, alright?! - and the driving beats continues throughout the song.

The instruments fall back at the pro-chorus whilst the vocals take over. We crash into an instrumental section before going into the second verse. We loop round again to arrive at another instrumental section where the song takes its leave.

Stop the World brings an American style shuffle groove into the mix, the resulting sound suits Matt’s voice and he makes the most of it, between belting out the lyrics in the choruses and quietly growling them throughout the verses.

“Stop the world, cause I want off”

With you there buddy. When I see that people would rather debate if pineapple is acceptable on a pizza - for the record it is, haters - than go and do something just a liiiiiiiiittle more productive with their time...yeah. You get me. I could mention politics and the state of the refugee crisis but pizza debating is a tad more light hearted.

The bouncing guitar riff leads the way through the song when the vocals don’t. An acoustic guitar breaks up the song for the bridge, before diving back into that rock n roll shuffle again.

You know how I mentioned the drive time playlist earlier? Add this track to it.

Living Memories is the penultimate track of the album. Another softer, melancholic sounding song.

“Cause I’ve been living with memories and I just want you to be real to me”

Matt’s vocal melody for the hook is as catchy as the rest, the guy has a real talent and it shows in every track. Acoustic guitar sets the backdrop allowing for the odd electric guitar to ring out a few notes and chords. The drums fill out the song with washy cymbals and a tambourine gives an extra layer to the rhythm sound.

What Is Home? The title of the album and the final track. There’s not a lot to say about this track. Incredibly simple with vocals and guitar throughout, with some atmospheric percussion near the very very end.

That’s not a criticism by the way. The lyrics are key to this song, and Matt sings them beautifully with incredibly tasteful harmonies throughout. There’s not a lot to I’ll let you listen and you’ll see what I mean.

Brownbear’s debut album launch is tonight - 20th April! - at Stereo in Glasgow.

brownbear debut album launch Stereo Glasgow Scotland
Click for tickets!

If you can’t make it, have a look at their facebook page for upcoming shows.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd of course, listen to the album below!

brownbear debut album what is home spotify
What is Home? - Brownbear Spotify link


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