The time has come, and The Ninth Wave have finally brought us the first part of their album. The band have had success after success, especially this year performing at SXSW festival in Texas and supporting the Blinders on their most recent tour. This fresh showcase of the 80's new wave inspired bands art is exactly what we've been waiting for.
"This Broken Design" opens this new masterpiece a dizzying yet gripping new track paves the way for the rest of Infancy Part 1. This whirling tune takes inspiration from the likes of New Order and Depeche Mode. Emotional "Used to Be Yours" is up next throughout the harmonising track we hear “So incapable of being alone“ and “So incapable of making a home” two conflicting statements creating the sense we all don’t quite know what we want which is tragic yet sounds so beautiful. This track is brought together by the dark guitar sounds and synth whines
”Half Pure” continues the strong emotional theme but still keeps things alluring and exciting.“Where is the pain and the glamour you were bred for?” Park-Patterson passionately cries out over the stealthy riffs of the track. Opening with ”Do you still love me?” sets the tone for ”All the Things We Do” another dizzying emotive track on the album which still keeps the shadowy hollow vibe the band have managed to lace throughout the whole listening experience.
“A Wave Goodbye to the People Who Said I’d Win” is an alluring track Park-Patterson belts out “Forget the places that are tainted by the people you used to know” essentially signalling the message across that this band will continue to go places and rise from their success to even more guided by their everlasting creativity. The last on the album “First Encounters“ brings it to majestic ending, you can feel the electrifying chemistry between Park-Patterson’s and Kidd’s stunning vocals morphing together to create this stealthy track.
The Ninth Wave have once again proved to us that their never ending wave of creativity shows no signs of stopping and will continue to bless us for a lengthy time.

Check out the album here.