Hailing from the fair Scottish town of Perth. The Goatboy bring us a fresh blast of angst driven visceral guitar rock that is just too good to resist. Their Debut EP ‘It's not regret, It’s worse than that’ is a sharp reminder of what makes grunge so darn cool and sexy.

First up is Strange. An instrumental that oozes a melancholic punk swagger that’s overwhelmingly delicious to the senses. Bursts of melodic guitar are beautifully complimented by a rhythm section that Steve Albini would be proud of. A solid opener that really grabbed me by my ear lobes and filled them with the warmth of Seattle in the early 90s.
Roaring out the speakers next is Bookshelves. It begins with an onslaught of chunky guitar riffs and thunderous drums that sound like the warning to an upcoming apocalypse. What follows is a smoldering vocal brimming with grit and fury that is superbly accompanied by a solid rhythmic groove that is fully unleashed upon the arrival of a castle storming chorus.
Time Waits For No Man is a sumptuous spoonful of grunge soufflé that pours straight into your soul. Muted guitars erupt into mounds of towering distortion as the singer screams 'Time Wait's for no man, not even me'. Vocals are delivered with a delightful sneer of raw emotion. Ferocious yet strangely romantic this song provides the perfect relieve to a hard day at the office.
JULIAN mixes laid back grooves with fully charged angst. The verses are very reminiscent of Sebadoh. Beautifully subtle yet drenched with feeling. The perfect compliment to the chorus that has the quintessential grunge mosh out quality in abundance.
It's not regret, It’s worse than that’' brings this impressive debut to a close. The wonderfully gritty vocals are driven along by explosive guitars bleeding with gorgeous feedback and over driven passion.
The EP is available to stream and download via their Bandcamp Page. You can also follow them on their Facebook page.