We managed to catch up with Kathryn and Hannah, two very busy lassies making a rumble in the jungle with the launch of their brand new event 'Queens of Noise' which will reign mighty in Glasgow on the 16th and 17th of March 2019. Discovery Music can't wait to get involved with this one but instead of us boring you I'll let them tell you about themselves and this amazing event.

So we have the lovely Kat and Hannah, founders of QON, here is some info on what else they do in music...
'Kathryn Dryburgh - Founder and Events coordinator at Queens of Noise, Founder and Promoter at Mouldy Soul Promotions, currently interning at SOMA Records and studying Commercial Music at the University of the West of Scotland.
Hannah Campbell - Co-Founder & Events coordinator of Queens of Noise. Artist Manager, Whitehill Grove. Head of Business Affairs at PRISM Records, Junior Social Media Advisor and Music Business Student at Edinburgh College. Lots of unpaid work and long hours but an excuse to drink plenty of gin.'
What can we expect at the first Queens of Noise showcase in March?
'It is a two-day conference/showcase even run by two young business women working in the music sector. We have independently curated every element of the event ourselves to create a safe, inclusive place for all genders and musical genres to come together and appreciate the value of female input in the industry.
It is a two-day conference/showcase even run by two young business women working in the music sector. We have independently curated every element of the event ourselves to create a safe, inclusive place for all genders and musical genres to come together and appreciate the value of female input in the industry.Come dine with us and delve deeper into the conversation, dinner is on us. Evenings: Two hand-picked curated showcases highlighting the best upcoming talent from some of the best female artists around. Stay late on Saturday for a night to remember, featuring a top class DJ set for our afterparty!'
3. How did the idea for the event come about?
'The need for the event was sparked at the Scottish Alternative Music Awards 2018. Talking with artists like St. Martiins, female journalists and graphic artists, the conversation swayed towards generally feeling as though you are working twice as hard to been seen or hear as a result of an underlying "boys club" feel around music. Understanding that it was not good enough and didn't feel right. I (Kat) approached Hannah at the SAMAs, as I had had this crazy idea which I couldn't pull off alone. So we began working on the project together. Fast forward to February and the tickets are on sale, the bands are booked and the need for the event is as strong as ever.'

What challenges have you faced so far in organizing the event?
'Time was a big factor, organizing such a big event in a short space of time is always hard but doing something to this scale within a matter of months, with zero financial aid between two full-time students, so it has been a pretty hard graft. Definitely a passion project if anything. Also sadly, when contacting managers, companies or any industry personnel we have both encountered several cases where we haven't been taken seriously or been treated with a lack of respect, which is sad, but just makes us push harder for it to be a success and aid other women within the music industries so we can hopefully reduce this issue.'
Overall what do you hope those who attend take away from the weekend?
'Our aim is to inspire, educate and change. Aiding our generation with the necessary skills to succeed in the music business, meeting industry professionals, whilst showing young people how important and valuable our women are. We want the day to feel like "having a chat with you friends" not that you're sitting down for a lecture. Our main
is that the day is a positive, safe and inclusive experience for everyone who comes to join us.'
What do you see in the future for Queens of Noise?
'If all goes to plan, we will be doing Queens of Noise again next year and possibly for years to come. We have plenty of ideas left, and we are both very hard working determined girls so this won't be the last of us!'
We hope to see you all there making the most of this valuable networking/getting pissed opportunity and the best of luck to Kat and Hannah for the weekend. Link below for tickets!
TICKETS: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/queensofnoise/233574
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/queensofnoise2019/